Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Long Term Consequences of Colonizing Africa Research Paper

Long Term Consequences of Colonizing Africa - Research Paper Example Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Germany also participated but were some of the minor players when compared with the other countries mentioned. By the end of the nineteenth century almost all the entire continent was under political control of at least one European power. European expansion into Africa was encouraged mostly by the industrialization era in Europe as those countries sought raw materials for new and growing markets. Many historians, however, felt that there were many and varied reasons. â€Å"There was the lure of adventure, the search for personal freedom, the sense of mission. There was greed and vanity and lust for power.† 1 The decolonization of Africa, for the most part, took place towards the middle of the twentieth century. Many of the problems faced by Africa today can be attributed to the impact of colonization. There has also been positive impacts, however, that have helped to move the continent forward since the pre-colonial era. One of the major long term consequences of colonizing Africa is the political culture of the different countries. Prior to the colonial era most of Africa could be described as a stateless society. Many of the borders of these modern states were created according to the whims and fancies of the different colonial leaders. â€Å"Namibia’s odd shape was created by the strategic requirements of a German foreign minister†2 . The current political rulers of the varied African countries retained the boundaries set by the colonial rulers with the exception of modern day Tanzania and Eritrea. . This in some way helped in the social identity of the different nations. Hodder stated that ‘once the colonial boundaries of Africa have been drawn up they acquired a permanence, which assisted by unified administration within them, helped to engender modern African unity’3 . In the establishment of the Organization of African States in 1963, on of the agreement made by the members was

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Work personalities Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Work personalities - Research Paper Example The concept of work performance dependence on personality is a subject of much conjecture, and many studies have been carried out to ascertain this prognosis. Personality is considered an essential component of individual performance and satisfaction at work. In addition, it contributes to the aggregate, of the structure, strategy, and culture of organizations (Schneider, 2007). Dahl (2014) alludes the existence of two entities in any particular individual: the actual you and the work you. Each of this personalities exudes distinct traits that can be successfully differentiated (Awadh & Ismail, 2012). However, not all studies support the correlation between personality and work performance. About five hierarchical personality traits termed â€Å"big five† are widely recognized; introversion, extroversion, openness, agreeableness, neuroticism and conscientiousness (Wayne Musisca & Fleeson, 2004). Personality is believed to be inherent in an individual. Moreover, it is inferred that certain personalities are more preferable in certain work types. This assertion creates the possibility of persons feigning personalities contrary to their nature when situations require it. This paper discusses studies on the influence of personality on work and performance. Personality has a significant influence on an individual’s environmental preference and is a determinant of the roles they ascribe to. Personality influences an individual’s interactions and activities (Awadh & Ismail, 2012).At work, organizational culture dictates how a person fits into the organization and their overall output. Moreover, the culture will substantially influence personality and behavior. Conscientiousness and Neuroticism, are associated with a workers performance (Woods et al., 2013). People with higher conscientiousness are portrayed to be more achievement oriented with a greater commitment to